Pay Attention – Series on Awareness – [MindBodyBlog] Everyday suffering is the easiest to ignore and the hardest to release. Think about how little things can affect your mood: waking up in the morning, choice of food, a negative comment from a spouse or friend, or physical pain. Feeling Average: People’s minds can also get accustomed to pain. Some women and men will look for partners who will verbally abuse them to keep their life painful and dramatic. I believe the mind craves passion and intensity because it feels the need to justify its existence. I’ve reduced my need for over stimulation by expanding my awareness. Feeling Great: When you release your expectations and stay in the moment, you are free to watch your life as if you are an audience member, apart from all the drama. When the high fades away (and it always will) then as the observer you are aware; you can see the affect on your mind and body without letting it dictate your feelings. Noticing your moods can help you appreciate your emotions, which are meant to change. When you can adapt with change as if it’s a dance, you’ll take that next step to a greater awareness. A bad mood is not that much different from a good mood. The feelings are all there, but we get attached because feeling good is fun and feeling bad is painful. By letting go and taming (not fixing) the emotional waves, we can cultivate such powerful awareness that life becomes filled with pure joy instead of suffering.