1. Daily Lunches

As a busy person, you may not have time to make lunches to take to work, so you spend money to eat out every day. No matter where you go, you are going to spend at least $5 per day. That adds up to over $1,000 each year. Make your lunches at home the night before to save time and money. Here are great healthy lunch recipes all clock in at $3 or less per serving.

2. Weekly Pizza Night

If you get a pizza for your family once a week, you are spending at least $20 to $30 each week. That adds up to $1,000 or more each year. Sure, we all need to treat ourselves now and again, and who doesn’t like pizza? But, why not cut back to one pizza night a month. You will be saving $60 to $90 per month, or more. Also, there are always great tasting grocery store pizza that could cost you only $5-$6.

3. Travel

You may love to travel, but it gets pretty expensive after a while. You can’t get a decent motel room for less than $100 per night, and then you have to pay for meals, and have spending money. You also have to spend a lot on airfares. Instead of giving up on travel, find ways to have budget vacations. For instance, you can get great deals on airfares at Kayak and Airfares Flights. Find a bidding site to bid for less expensive hotel rooms and find local eating deals through that city’s online coupons and meal deals.

4. Books

The cost of books gets higher and higher all the time. A cheap paperback novel now costs upwards of $10. Reading shouldn’t have to be a luxury. But, instead of spending a lot of money on books, why not get them from your local library for free? Book getting can be accomplished with a Kindle Unlimited membership for just $9.99 a month as well.

5. Clothing

You don’t need to have three closets full of clothing, or hundreds of pairs of shoes. All a person really needs are a few main pieces, a few accent pieces, three to four pairs of shoes, and some accessories. You can save money by cutting back on clothes shopping. You can make money if you clean out your closets and sell all those clothes you aren’t even wearing. Neighborhood swapping party to get new sizes that the kids or you need also is a great way to save money on your clothes.

6. Weekly Movie Nights

It’s nice to have date night with your significant other, but for two people to go to the movies, it costs upwards of $50 if you get popcorn and pop. You can save money by cutting back to one date night a month. Buying tickets at the Box Office will save you $1-2 that you’d pay for online booking. Find a late-run theater and watch movies later. You can still enjoy each other’s company by renting a movie or streaming on online. There are tremendous savings to be had with streaming movie options, investigate if one is a good fit for your household.

7. Beer

Beer, or any other alcoholic beverage, is expensive. It is even more costly when you choose to drink at a bar with friends instead of at home. By cutting back on the amount of alcohol you consume, you will be saving a lot of money. You may even lose weight and feel healthier. If you must socialize with a cocktail, choose Happy Hour times, some places even have late night reverse Happy Hour!

8. Lottery Tickets

Do you really need to spend money on those lottery tickets every week? Sure, winning is fun, but take a good look at what you spend compared to what you win, and you will realize just how much you have lost over the years. Perhaps making it an indulgence instead of a habit is a better fit. Maybe establish a ‘couch fund’- money found in the couch, for treats like this.

9. Treats for the Kids

Do you bring home treats for your kids every time you go shopping? This can get pretty expensive after a while. It also will cause your kids to not appreciate real treats. Cut back on the treats for the kids, save money, and as a bonus, this may help them to grow into adults who appreciate all that they do have.

10. Cigarettes

If you are a smoker, you are likely spending at least $10 per day on cigarettes, depending on how much you smoke. Quitting is hard, but it is well worth the effort. You will be saving over $3,000 per year, and improving your health. If you can start by weaning yourself down on the nicotine aspect with patches and the oral aspect with suckers, eventually you will thank yourself and feel better as well. Featured photo credit: pshegubj via flickr.com