Dealing with facts

Let’s be honest, dealing with negative comments on social media is far from easy. The same goes for any type of social, personal, or professional situation in which our actions, opinions, beliefs, or physical appearance are being questioned, to say the least, but it’s up to us how much we let it interfere with our self-image. The facts are – you cannot make everyone like you… It just doesn’t work that way and it is for the better, actually. A wise man once said that trying to make everyone like you will only make you invisible in this world. Once you really understand this, your life will take a completely different turn. You will experience huge relief once you realize that doing something just to please the masses will actually stop the progression of your own, unique potential and character. At the end of the day, you don’t want everyone to agree with you and share your opinion while wearing a mask just to conform. That will ruin your chances of meeting like-minded people because they will never get to see the real you.

You only measure up to yourself

The internet, social media in particular, no matter how great may be, can impair our motivation and self-esteem. If we take a look at somebody’s perfectly staged social media pictures, we may feel bad about our boring lives. Or, if each time we get an idea or learn a new skill, we could find at least a thousand people who can do the same thing fifty times better. We can easily fall into a trap of wanting to be like other people whose lives and talents seem so much greater than our own. There is nothing exciting about being just like everyone else. What is the point of that? Have you ever wondered why we love certain artists, leaders, or famous, successful entrepreneurs so much? It is because they were brave enough to be themselves, dream their own dreams, and look for their own ways of doing things. You don’t have any rivals nor do you have to measure your success against someone else’s. You don’t need to explain your choices to anyone. The only thing you should care about is being more you. As long as being you doesn’t harm anyone else, you can be content with who you are. Once you become laser-focused on you and your goals, aspirations, principles, and desires, the entire world can be against you and you won’t be affected. Ironically, once you become your authentic self, your authenticity will show in your personal and professional lives, and more people will like you.

Support system

Building a support system to help you care less about irrelevant things doesn’t only involve surrounding yourself with people who respect and love you (even though it helps), but first and foremost, this means developing a sense of worthiness and belief in yourself. When we truly believe in ourselves, we don’t need anyone’s approval. Once we take it as our responsibility to grow a little more each day, we will be able to focus more on our strengths than on our shortcomings. This won’t leave you with extra time or energy to care about anything not related to your goals. Featured photo credit: via