Humans are not creatures of reason; we are led by hormones

Hormones and their balance make humans act in one way or another, and all the main quests in life are somehow related to the amount of hormones in the body. Love comes from hormone release; the struggle to be an overachiever in life and career also comes from hormones, and even the fun activities we undertake are hormone-related – remember adrenaline?

The modern lifestyle resembles clinical death

The new lifestyle keeps one connected to a wide range of electronic devices, just like a comatose patient is connected to multiple devices to keep him alive, even if he is brain dead. Pretty much in the same way, nowadays we depend entirely on our mobile devices to survive. Imagine a week-long blackout: Would you make it alive?

Religious humanity fact: Jesus was punished exclusively by men

No woman in history judged or tried to punish Jesus, not even Pilates’ wife, who tries to help Jesus to get away from her husband’s revenge. This is one interesting entry in the book of the humanity facts that can really make you re-think our social order and gender roles.

The biggest revolutions in history belonged to individuals

Lone people began the most important revolutionary acts in history, turning the wheels for all of humanity. Examples include Jesus, Marx and Luther. Revolutions didn’t belong to the masses; instead, they came from one man with lots of charisma and a strong will. Being a great leader was mandatory to start a movement. Thus, these individuals managed to rule parts of the entire world for a second in history. And they made it to this list of bizarre humanity facts.

Democratic regimes consume what dictatorial regimes have produced

The history is full of examples of democratic regimes that relied on the industry, infrastructure and stocks made by the dictatorial regime they’ve destroyed. This is usually hidden to the masses because it is one of those humanity facts that can make people think and may cause social and political instability.

The modern day human disposes of rubbish items, but keeps rubbish people

Once, people used to mend everything around them, from the tiniest household objects to the most important relationships. The Industrial Revolution and modern-day consumerism have made people dispose of broken items and stick to bad people. To prove this fact, just ask your grandma what she would do with a broken item, let’s say a couple of old shirts. She will find at least 5 uses for them, none of which you could think of.

A politician is an inverted Robin Hood

Most politicians gather money from the poor to give it to the rich. And the people still give them votes each time they ask. In other words, humanity gets to vote on who will rob them daily.

Humanity was once terrorized by boredom, now it is bored by terrorism

One of the weirdest facts switched upside down by history is that people were once very bored and tried to entertain with the most cruel, bizarre and outrageous things, like those presented by the circus of P. T. Barnum. Nowadays, terrorism is one of the most boring acts, as it is highly common all over the world and we are exposed to it daily.

It takes some madness to be a world leader

Or even just a president. The fact is that all great rulers in history suffered from a degree of insanity. Some used it in all wrong ways, like Hitler, others used it to conquer the world or die trying, like Alexander the Great. And who could forget about Genghis Khan? If you stop a minute and analyze all the great leaders in history, you will find a couple of signs which will prove this theory.

Humans are the only creatures that pay to live on Earth

We pay for goods, food, fun, services and pretty much everything that can keep us alive and create those touching, quality moments with friends and family. Think: When was the last time you enjoyed a great moment without having to pay for anything? Even when you go to the park with your kids, you pay for something to enjoy those moments more. This is one of the lesser-thought humanity facts, but we all feel its effects upon us at a personal level.

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