We discuss it over wine with our homegirls, stating that “one day when I become the next Oprah….” We hope, think, obsess, and wish for it, not to mention Googling the hell out of it. Even though we attempt all of these tactics the first time someone suggests a book recommendation to get there our reply is…. “No, I’m good girl you know I don’t read like that…..”

Most of the answers that we search for lie between the pages of a book. But because we are too cool for school or too busy searching for a quick fix, we pass by the very answer that we look for. (And don’t you dare say that you don’t have enough time because if Ted sent you a text saying that he wants to see you….just watch as your busy schedule magically opens up….but that ain’t none of my business though.) Here are 5 reasons you should pick up a book a little more often.

Ease your mind

As life comes at us ten million miles per hour, it can be tough to sit down and just relax. Seriously when I go to bed my mind is already half way through the next day with thoughts of what I need to do.  Don’t let me watch ratchet TV before bed; I’ll be up analyzing Mimi from Love and Hip Hop’s new relationship; is she really in love or is it just an attempt to extend her story line for another season? A study conducted by the University of Sussex found that when you read it can reduce stress up to 68%; working faster than other relaxation methods such as listening to music or a drinking hot cup of tea (2009). When I read I am no longer focused on the hustle and bustle of the day but in tune with whatever book I have opened up. If it is bedtime it never fails.

Boost creativity

You know that moment when you attempt to create a catchy slogan or the perfect end to a research paper but nothing and I mean NOTHING comes to mind. If drawing a blank was an art you would be Picasso. When you read it boosts your brain power; the scientists over at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis reported that just by reading it engages 17 regions of your brain, which makes sense when you think about how certain ideas have the ability to just come to you after you put down a book.  Let’s refer to it as a wake up call for your brain!

Enhance what you know

We all have that one friend who thinks they know everything.  That’s ya girl, but if you try to put her onto something new it is dismissed before you even can finish the sentence (and if this sounds foreign to you, you may just be that friend…) When we feel as if we know it all we close our mind to new information. By reading it allows us to build on the expertise that we already know for sure; to consider a different angle and insights that we never would have thought of before. Because if I ran a mile with a time of 7:30 in high school and I never ran again since then; I bet the end result would look a lot different now because I didn’t try to be better, just banked on what I already did a looooooong time ago. Knowledge is no exception to this rule.

Carry an adult conversation

When I was in college I always heard a particular professor say that they could tell how much a person read by just having a conversation with them. To me, at the time, it sounded like when I was younger and my grandma would have all of these country sayings that didn’t make any sense. But as I grew up a light bulb went off: grandma wasn’t crazy, it actually makes perfect sense. Yeah, that happened to me. It’s almost as if readers think differently; conversations can be deep without even knowing the person. You are able to expand your vocabulary as you are always facing new words outside of your everyday life. The context of various topics can be discuss, because, face it, what you saw on BallerAlert can only take you so far in a professional setting.


One of the major characteristic to just about EVERY successful woman is……they READ….and they read A LOT.  How can you want to be successful but neglect the most important factor to get you there? Reading has the ability to take you to the next level. I remember when I was fresh out of undergrad and my networking skills weren’t the best….actually they were terrible. I was just the person who would follow around my classmates to say that I did something. One day I came across a book called Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and thought I would give it a try. Ever since that day my networking skills have been on FLEEK! If you don’t know something read about it. It will stretch your thinking to take you to where you want to be. If you mind is never stretched you will most likely stay where you are.

Even though this list could go for days, it is very important that we pick up a book and cancel out all of the excuses about why we don’t. If you read one book every year, challenge yourself to two. And if you’re an avid reader share this article with someone you know that doesn’t pick up a book (tell them you’re not being shady…just honest…)

Featured photo credit: Thinkpynk via thinkpynk.com