It’s not a cheap hack, by any means, and there aren’t lots of folks who have this particular itch to scratch, but here are some thoughts on how it could be useful:

Marketing Scheme- Stand in a public space wearing a big sandwich board sign saying, “Free WiFi Courtesy of ______.” Unconference Event- Hold your next BarCamp or Mashup Camp or what-not wherever you want with wifi for all. Field Teams- The hack costs about $900 or so all told, but that’s way cheaper than a satellite van or other remote location setup. This would be the perfect relay station for a new media team like a Vlogger team looking to emulate citizen media. Instant Phone Bank- add Skype to a few laptops with wifi cards, and you’ve got a phone bank for events, for emergency management situations, etc.

What other ways could you see this hack being useful?Be Your Own Hotspot – [Popular Science]