It is unfair for an employer to offer a policy to certain employees. This is why a healthy balance between work and life is obtainable for all individuals in the workplace. When work-life balance is incorporated into a business structure it applies to all employees. This means that everyone, including unmarried individuals or those without children, can reap the benefits of work-life balance. To create a positive work environment for their employees, many employers offer work alternatives. These work alternatives often involve flexible hours, working from home, or job sharing. All of these alternatives are likely to decrease the amount of time that an employee has to spend in the workplace when they already have prior engagements. When associating single or childless workers with work-life balance there are many individuals who wonder exactly what these employees are doing with their free time. Just because an individual is not married or does not have any children does not mean that they do not have a family. An employee who is taking advantage of their work-free time is likely to visit their mother, father, brother, sister, or other close relatives. Every individual, no matter what their status, has a hobby. There are many individuals who have multiple hobbies. A hobby is known as an activity that you love to participate in during your free time. Popular hobbies include, but are not limited to, stamp collecting, photography, writing, playing sports, hiking, and other outdoor activities. Because work-life balance often reduces the amount of hours an employee works there are more individuals who are able to find time for their hobbies. Volunteering could be labeled as a hobby, but it also known a service. There are many individuals who, when not working, volunteer in or around their local community. Volunteering is most commonly done at non-profit charities, schools, play groups, and homeless shelters. Volunteering can occur at all hours of the day; however, most volunteers are needed during traditional work hours. Having a healthy balance between work and life is what enables many employees to volunteer during their traditional work hours. It also helps that employers who allow their employees to volunteer during work are highly recognized and appreciated throughout the community. One of the most common myths associated with a work-life balance is that only those with families benefit from it. As you can see, that myth couldn be farther from the truth. Employees of all ages, social standing, and martial status can benefit and appreciate a healthy work-life balance in the workplace. — Jennifer Foote. We will continue to discuss work & life balance in the series of Achieving Work-Life Balance. Stay tuned.