What is it that separates the successful entrepreneurs from the rest? Is it guts and courage? Is it working harder than everyone else? Is it luck? In my opinion, it’s none of these. Success isn’t about working harder, it’s about knowing what actions to take and when to take them. It’s not the volume of action, it’s the right action at the right time that makes the difference. That brings me to strategy. Something as massive as building a new life for yourself or starting out as an entrepreneur needs a proper process, a proper plan, a Lifestyle Blueprint! Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish!” Building the lifestyle you desire requires a proper foundation, just like building a house. Strong foundations make a sturdy house that will withstand varying intense conditions, such as a tropical storms, the “big bad wolf,” etc. Building your new life or business is no different. So, you’ve made a decision, you’ve decided enough is enough, that there’s more to life than your 9-to-5 job and you’re going to make a change. That’s fantastic, but think about this first: According to Bloomberg Business, around 80% of first-time entrepreneurs fail because they don’t follow a proven business plan. Success is never a guarantee but failure is certain if you don’t establish a solid foundation and do the work required for success. Visualize your dreams, make a commitment to success and ask yourself: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. “Change your thoughts and change your life.” Make the decision and don’t be afraid, be positive. Positive thoughts and behaviors bring about a positive outcome — your exterior reality is a reflection of your interior reality. Fear and negativity will only hold you back. So here we go, the Lifestyle Blueprint:

Step 1: Define the outcome you desire

Anyone who is successful knows exactly what they are working towards at all times. Their goal is perfectly clear in their minds. If you’re unclear about your goals, how will you ever get what you want? How will you ever make the right choices and take the right actions? Specific goals drive specific actions to achieve those goals. It’s not good enough just to know what you don’t want! You must define what you want, be specific, be ambitious. Ensure your outcome generates a fire in your belly that burns so bright you know you will stop at nothing until you achieve it — this is your why.

Step 2: Create an action plan

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. We’ve all heard that cliche before, but it’s true. You are only as good as your plan. Successful outcomes are driven by solid plans. Examples of this are all around us; sport, battles, business, etc. But most people don’t have a proper plan as they aren’t actually clear on what they want out of life. Once a goal has been clearly defined, you can form a specific plan of action to achieve the outcome you desire. But the plan must be specific. For example, knowing you need to set aside time to develop your business is not enough. Specifically stating how many hours you will work, on which days, and at what time is more specific and definitely more likely to help you achieve your goals. Brush up on your action planning skills here.

Step 3: Take consistent action

Consistency is key! You need to take consistent action towards your goals, every day. Even if it’s something small, just be consistent. Small steps every day keep us making progress and eventually build momentum. But, what makes us keep taking action? We need a goal that inspires us. A goal that inspires a burning desire within us. A goal we will get done, no matter what. For me, it was creating the freedom in life so that I could dedicate time to my wife and children. What’s yours? How will you achieve it? What’s your why? I’ll say it again! Consistent action, along with a plan to guide you, taken every day towards that ultimate goal, is what will get you there. Visualization is key. Create a vision board, meditate on it, talk about it regularly with those dear to you, post about it online — whatever it takes, just keep that vision in mind and the law of attraction along with the law of action will make it possible. By the law of action, I mean working diligently to make it happen. Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I would spend the first four sharpening the axe!” By thinking and acting in this way — being proactive, not reactive — you hold yourself responsible for reaching your goals and being successful. Good luck!