1. You find that many people aren’t sharing their jokes with you

It’s not as if they don’t want you to share in their amusement or make you a part of the excitement, it’s just that they are being thoughtful since the image you present doesn’t help make a joke worth telling.

2. You don’t connect with people who smile

You are comfortable with not smiling. It’s not as if you are not happy. You are just better off with a stern face. And you want everyone around you to carry this type of face. You simply don’t know why smiling is a way of expressing happiness, you can express your happiness without opening your teeth and curving your lips. So when you are surrounded with people who smile frequently, you just feel out of place and can’t connect with them. Certainly your best friends are persons who value this quality in you and would want to act the same way as you.

3. You don’t look great in photographs

Everyone says “cheers” at the camera except you. You are okay with making photographs look serious as if you just came out of a funeral procession. You look odd in general photographs. But you look great when you take a passport photograph, which seems to be an easy task for you to feature in.

4. You meet people who want to know if everything is alright

Things are not always looking okay. And people want to know why. Even when you smile, people consider that odd and want to know why you did smile at all. So you just smile less and are your usual self.

5. You meet people who think you are rude

You’re not rude. You’re just okay with being who you are. Yes they want you to smile back at them. Unfortunately you are always serious and stern, so why should you smile back at them simply for the sake of being nice? Yes they may consider you to be arrogant, stubborn and not friendly in nature, but this is something you have to continually deal with.

6. You can deliver the funniest jokes

It seems you have a smooth way of making others laugh when you maintain a straight face. People seem to think that your jokes are funny and laugh at them, even when you don’t see any reason to laugh or smile at such jokes.

7. You have people make jokes on you

Since you are always serious and seldom smile, people consider you to be amusing and out of the ordinary. Thus they can make jokes on you and see you as a person who should be laughed at.

8. You don’t think anything is funny, even if it is

You wonder why people can laugh over something for so long. You wonder if their muscles get sore at some point. You’re odd when you’re getting married or going to other people’s marriages. The truth and reality is that you have to continuously force a smile on your face for hours. This can be a nightmare, but it seems to be the pain you have to go through for your loved ones.

9. You are considered to be boring and grim

People come to you when they habe to deal with something serious. You make any mood grim and stiff. Only very few people can relate with this, because your smile issue is something only very few can come to terms with. But it is okay with your loved ones. Featured photo credit: http://www.compfight.com via compfight.com