But wait…before you hit that publish button and close your laptop, you should know that there’s more to a great blog post than just writing it. Because no matter how amazing your writing is, very few people will discover it by chance. If you want the shares, the comments, and the subscribers, you’ve got to take the steps to put it out there. And it doesn’t have to be a timesuck of an event. Here are seven simple things you can do in 60 minutes flat that will get you more exposure for each and every blog post you write:

Find 2-3 older posts on your blog that relate to what you’re writing about, then link to them. Not only does this pass a little bit of SEO link juice to lower-ranking pages, it gives your readers an easy way to find other articles on your blog that are related to what they’ve already shown an interest in.

2. Optimizing your post for one keyword (10 minutes)

Do about 5 minutes of keyword research on your post’s topic. Then, spend another 5 minutes integrating that keyword into your post title, url, meta description and tags. This will make it a lot easier for people to find your post in search engine results.

3. Miniaturizing your url  (5 minutes)

Before you share the link to your post, plug the url into a shortener like bit.ly. Use the shorthand link whenever you share. This is useful because it not only accommodates the character limit of status updates on Twitter and Facebook, but it also allows you to easily track clicks and shares of your link.

4. Social media sharing (10 minutes)

Share the link to your post on your Facebook business/fan page, Twitter, and relevant Linked In groups. Just remember that social media isn’t a one way street; resist the urge to copy-paste the standalone link and be done with it. Ask a question that your post answers, or solicit feedback on a specific issue it tackles, then use that as a teaser to accompany your link.

5. Social bookmarkinging (5 minutes)

Bookmark your link on Digg and Stumbleupon. But also remember that your content won’t go far on these sites unless you actively participate and also share useful content that’s not your own.

6. Getting personal (5 minutes)

Email to RSS is a good idea, as is letting your email subscribers know about new content when it’s posted. But another great way to get your content out there is to give it a personal touch. If you know someone who would genuinely find it helpful, send them a personalized message and let them know. If the information actually helps them out, they’re highly likely to share it.

7. Commenting on relevant blog posts (20 minutes)

Do a quick Google search for the top results on your post’s specific topic. Leave a comment on 2-3 that you found really interesting. If you present an insightful point of view, new angle, or solve a problem that wasn’t covered in the post you’re commenting on, visitors of that blog will naturally want to visit your blog to see what you have to say. (Photo credit: Blog Button via Shutterstock)

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