1. “Nothing can break me.”

Mentally strong people don’t allow any negative event to destroy them emotionally. It’s okay to get upset, but it’s NOT okay to let your circumstances become a tyrant that steals your joy. It might be helpful to find a role-model who surmounted an obstacle far greater than anything you have ever faced. Stevie Wonder became a master pianist, despite being blind; Thomas Edison invented the light-bulb, despite failing a thousand times; and Buffy the Vampire Slayer prevented the apocalypse, despite struggling with emotional turmoil so severe that she wished she would die.

2. “I am the CEO of my life.”

Mentally strong people don’t blame other people for their lack of success. We all learn and grow at our own pace, and it is okay to make mistakes (look at these like, “learning opportunities in disguise”)… but it’s NOT okay to refuse to accept personal responsibility. A lot of people don’t view themselves as the powerful CEO they are, but rather a janitor who reluctantly cleans up messes when they must. This self-defeating attitude will result in a purposeless life where you meander through your days without any idea of what you hope to accomplish.

3. “I have the power to choose.”

Mentally strong people don’t agonize over every decision. Planning is often procrastination in disguise. It is okay to make a plan for important matters that include variables that must be considered, but it’s NOT okay to treat trivial things (like what you’re going to wear today) as if it is a life-changing decision. Success is reserved for people who have the courage to act swiftly and decisively, without obsessing over a future outcome that is beyond their control.

4. “If I don’t believe in myself, why should anyone else?”

Mentally strong people don’t question their abilities. Of course, it is okay to seek knowledge that will make you a stronger person, but it’s NOT okay think every problem can be solved with a textbook solution. Doubting yourself will only discourage you from pursuing difficult (but worthwhile) goals that would make you feel happy and fulfilled. Believing in yourself will encourage you to trust your intuition and open more possibilities than you can imagine.

5. “To take care of others, I must first take care of myself.”

Mentally strong people don’t put the wants of others before their own needs. While it is okay to care for your friends and family, it’s NOT okay to let your health suffer as a consequence. I know it can be hard to find the time to eat healthy and exercise if you’re a busy parent, but don’t you think it would be silly to expect your children to take their health seriously if you’re not a positive example? Your words will have no impact if they aren’t in alignment with your actions.

6. “My goal is important to me, because ___________.”

Mentally strong people don’t pursue a goal without a passionate reason for doing it. It is okay to get confused about what you want sometimes, but it’s NOT okay to never stop and consider the point. If you want to lose weight, for example, it might be helpful to consider how being fit would benefit you emotionally. Imagine how sexy you would feel when you put on a new skirt for the first time; how strong you would feel when you can carry your grocery bags with ease; how happy you would feel when you can keep up with your kids at the park.

7. “Life is like a video-game. I can push ‘Continue’ as many times as I need to.”

Mentally strong people don’t give up on their dreams just because of temporary defeat. Not all ideas are good ones, so it’s okay to change your mind (even dramatically!) about what you desire from life; but it’s NOT okay to kid yourself into thinking you are a failure. No one ever achieved anything worth doing without first falling on their face a few times. I know some people might look like they experienced a sudden rise to stardom, but I can promise that’s not the case. They probably faced a long list of struggles and hardships that you don’t know about. Your success is not determined by the actions you take initially, but rather your ability to react to unexpected situations in a positive fashion.

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Featured photo credit: asa_yoga_meditating/Minoru Nitta via flickr.com