1. You have the time.

Most of the people who want to start their own business use a common excuse they that they don’t have enough time after their day job. Let me ask you a direct question. “I understand that you don’t have enough time, then what do you have time for? You are always forced to make time for things you don’t want to do. Then can’t you find some time for those things which you want to do?” This is common sense yet people can be the victims of their excuses. They are the slaves of their comfort. It’s not difficult to find one hour each day to start working on something you love. Do you have a long commute? Listen to podcast of your field of interest. Get up 15 minutes earlier. Shop online and save time every weekend going to malls and devote that time working on your dream life. Gather knowledge about your ideal life or business by reading articles during your lunch time, while waiting in a queue or during a break from work. Watch TV for 15 minutes less  and read newspaper for only 10 minutes. Devoting five minutes to your 15-30 minutes task will get you to add that 1 hour easily into your day. Find such time gaps and fill them. Moreover, whatever age you are, you have enough time to start their business. People of all ages have started businesses. If they can do it, you can.

2. You have the ability to think and learn.

Think of all the luxuries you are enjoying right now. Who invented such things? Was it by someone who thought he was not successful? It was by those who thought they were successful and worked hard to invent an idea with their thinking and learning abilities even before they became successful. And it is with these abilities that we are enjoying all the luxuries of life. When are we going to take advantage of this? Very few people in the world are constant thinkers and lifelong learners. Make the habit of constantly reading because all great leaders are great readers. Think of how you can add value to others with the help of your strengths and skills. Because only when you think, then can you make it happen in reality.

3. You don’t need money.

Yes, you do need the money but relying solely on money for being successful and making that excuse is not going to get you anywhere. Most people have no experience of starting a business and they complain no one is giving them thousands of dollars to start their business. How can anyone trust you when they haven’t seen you trying or working for your dream? Rather than this, start small with some money which if you lose will not cost you much. If your business requires a huge capital, then start working for someone doing that and then slowly build upon the skills. Only by taking small steps in direction of your dreams everyday, you create a successful business. And when you become a master in that skill, you will make it easier to find money for your business.

4. You have the resources.

Another excuse people make is they don’t have enough knowledge or contacts which is stopping them from moving ahead. Knowing what not to do is not a big deal. You didn’t knew anything when you came into this world but you learned everything. So give up this childish mentality and go out and start meeting people and attending events. The internet is loaded with all the information you need. And if you still can’t figure out how to do, find a mentor, virtually or in real life and learn from them. Even though you don’t know them, ask them politely that you are very much influenced by them and want to learn how they are doing what they are doing. No generous person will ever say no to such a request. At worst, they will give you some advice you don’t like but still it will have something to learn. You can also hire people to do things that are too complicated for you.

5. You live in the most modern society.

You live in a society where almost everyone uses an internet, has access to all basic modern amenities and are willing to try new things in their day to day lives. Almost all the things which people used to do themselves few years before are now being outsourced. Find a creative way to help people by using latest solutions which help them save time and money . Also, see if you have a happy which can be monetized. This is the advantage you have. Don’t let it go waste. Read point no. 2 again if you are stuck.

6. You are reading this.

Yes you are successful because you are reading this. You read the above five reasons why you are already successful and this sixth reason is equally important because everyone needs motivation and when you are motivated, it can help you overcome any obstacle in life and help you take action no matter what. It was my small try to motivate you by reading this. Not everyone will read this piece of advice but those who will, I am sure they will start thinking themselves as successful the moment they finish reading this article and that is what we need more in this world. We need more people who think they are already successful. Now stop being so serious and go out make it happen .You are already successful. Problem is that no one ever tells us this. This is your day as I tell you that you are already successful. Sometimes this is more than enough and this is all we need. Green lights to you all for your bright future. Featured photo credit: succe via projectmanage.com