Many people who go the route of the entire diet overhaul quickly come to find it is too much too soon. Instead, make a few changes every week. Once those new changes become habit, make a few more. It is a much better way for most people to approach healthier eating. So let’s go over six places to start. If you can make these simple and easy swaps, you will be on track to success.  

1. Swap cold cereal for oatmeal

The very first swap to make is to replace oatmeal with your usual cold cereal. Oatmeal is more filling, it typically contains fewer calories per cup of cereal, and is also sugar free. It is a great way to start your day. Just be sure to pick up the unsweetened variety.

2. Swap sausage for egg whites

Getting sufficient protein into your morning meal is critical for success. But, sausages are not the way to do it. For best results, you should go for egg whites instead. These are high in protein, lower in calories, and a lean way to get your nutrients in. Plus they are a high-volume food, which means you can eat more of them without taking in too many calories therefore feeling more satisfied while consuming less food.

3. Swap creamer for vanilla protein powder

Next up, in your morning cup of coffee, forgo that creamer, which is loaded with saturated fat. Instead, boost your protein intake by adding a small dose of vanilla protein powder. It will still add great flavor, less calories, and more protein – precisely what you need in your diet.

4. Swap regular potatoes for sweet potatoes

If you are a meat and potatoes kind of person, make those potatoes sweet potatoes. They are the healthier variety as they have more nutrients, more fiber, and are going to rank lower on the glycemic index (GI), so it will help to stop hunger more effectively as well. Sweet potatoes rank in as one of the most filling foods you can eat, so it is a great choice to keep in your diet plan.

5. Swap juice for milk

Juice is the biggest no-no if weight loss is the goal. The problem with juice is that it contains too much sugar, lacks the fiber you would get from fruit, and will spike blood sugar and insulin. Instead, opt for milk. Milk is higher in protein and is going to provide a nice dose of calcium and fosters stronger bone growth and development. Finally, the last smart swap to make is to exchange your usual yogurt variety for some Greek yogurt instead. This is going to be far healthier due to its higher protein content along with calcium. Furthermore, Greek yogurt is going to be perfect for improving your belly fat loss as those who consume dairy-rich foods in their diet tend to lose more fat from the abdominal region. So keep these smart swaps in mind. If you can get them into place, you can rest assured you are going to be seeing faster fat burning success and boost your heath at the same time.

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