If you truly want to achieve great success, all it really takes is some mindful focus and the discipline to put in the effort that the vast majority of people lack. That’s really what it all boils down to. If you’re interested in learning about how you can have great success in your life, keep reading because the most important factors are here to help you.

1. Decide What Your Goals Are

This is the first key to achieving great success, and unfortunately, few people actually practice it. Whether you begin your day with purpose or with disorganization often perforates your productivity throughout the remainder of your day. A good tip is that, either the night before or first thing in the morning, write out what your goals are for the upcoming day. Try to include no more than 3 main goals for any given day. This programs your mind to be focused and driven from the moment you wake up and greatly increases your chances of having a productive day. Once you’ve written out your goals, begin thinking about the steps that you can take towards achieving them. Choose the most important steps and accomplish those steps first to get your momentum rolling to set you up for a day of great success.[1]

2. Learn From the Experts

Life isn’t a simple game, and there’s nothing any of us can do to figure it all out on our own. Lucky for us, there are teachers and mentors out there who are willing to help. It would be a massive waste of your time and of this valuable source of knowledge if you didn’t reach out to these people to try and learn the lessons they’ve gathered. So reach out, learn from people who have traveled the path you’re on before you. This will save you time and countless headaches. Don’t let your ego or fear of being social prevent you from learning from these individuals. Learning these lessons ahead of time will put you ahead of most people and will set you up to achieve some amazing things.

3. Program Yourself for Great Success

You need to begin to program yourself for great success if you want to achieve great success. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Most people don’t have this trait innately, though. You need to consciously develop it. You need to begin programming yourself to be purposeful and driven towards great success and to remain motivated on the path towards our goals. The best way to begin reprogramming your mind and achieving this goal is to start with smaller goals first and then build your way up to larger ones. This builds momentum and begins to engrain the belief that you can overcome challenges and adversity. You will learn that if you put your mind to it, you can figure out almost any problem that faces you in your daily life. Simply put, you are learning how to continue succeeding by succeeding. The more you practice this, the more you’ll begin achieving daily, weekly, and yearly. You’ll be able to leverage the momentum from each success you experience, and eventually, these other successes will come easier and easier to you, as long as you keep applying the things you’ve learned and remain disciplined and purposeful about your actions.

4. Develop a Strong Mindset

Any successful person will tell you that there is a crucial aspect everyone needs in order to achieve great success: they need to believe in themselves and their ability accomplish the task at hand. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, what would encourage others to believe in you? Your mindset and how you approach problems and adversity frames your initial perspectives, the first resolutions that come to your mind, and likely, the first actions you attempt to address those challenges.[2] So believe in yourself! Believe that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and achieve great success in your life. Don’t be afraid to commit to your goals and tell other people what they are. Don’t be insecure about your goals, and don’t live in fear of failure. If nothing else, being transparent about your goals will help you to stand out in a crowd of people who are afraid that if they express their goals and fail, people will ridicule them. Don’t succumb to those limiting beliefs. Break free. People will likely respect you for having the courage to pursue the things that you desire. When you begin believing that you’ll achieve great success, it’s amazing how it begins finding ways to appear in your life. You give yourself permission and the courage to seize opportunities when they arise and then crush them as you continue along your path. This reinforces in your mind that you can succeed regardless of the challenges and any adversity. You have the ability to be resilient in the face of situations that try to knock you down and the strength to pull yourself back up. That confidence is priceless.[3] Once you’ve developed the mindset, you need to begin taking action. If you aren’t in a position to achieve your goals right now, then the best thing that you can do at this moment is to begin investing in yourself.

5. Invest in Yourself

After you’ve set your goals, made a plan, and developed the mindset you need to achieve them, the next step is to begin investing in yourself. Try to take action on your goals every day, even if it’s something small. It’s crucial that you keep your momentum moving forward along your path to achieving great success. When asked what the best investment anyone could make was, Warren Buffet, the most successful investor of our time, replied that the best investment people can make are investments in themselves. Powerful right? The best part about learning how to invest in yourself and beginning to practice this is that there are nearly endless methods through which you can do this. Therefore, you can personalize your self-investment to your interests and goals. Most of these will cost money, time, or effort, but remember that this is an investment in yourself. It’s going to take effort, it’s going to take discipline, and it’s going to take heart. Here are just a few examples of some of the things you can begin doing to invest in yourself on your journey towards achieving great success:

Engage in Regular Physical Exercise

Not only does exercising improve your physical health and energy levels, but it helps you to feel better and more motivated daily. This will help you overcome your daily challenges with greater ease.

Pick up Some Books and Do More Than Just Read Them

This is a trap a lot of people fall into. They pick up a non-fiction book, read it, and then display it as a trophy on the shelf. Knowledge isn’t power. Knowledge with action is power, so get out there and begin implementing the lessons you have learned.

Improve Your Diet

It may cost a little more to buy healthy food from the grocery store, but if you’re already going out to eat fast food anyway, the expenses are likely similar. A healthy, home-cooked meal goes a long way toward making you feel more energized and focused throughout the day.

Find Ways to Continually Learn

This could be through the aforementioned books, but there are endless ways through which you can learn. You could learn from mentors. You could find articles online. Maybe you’d prefer to sign up for seminars or webinars. It doesn’t matter which method you choose really, as long as you keep learning and growing.

Don’t Forget About Self-Care

It’s great to hustle and grind all day, every day, but the vast majority of people can’t, and shouldn’t, strive for this. It’s important to refuel your tank when you have time. Spend time with family and friends, do things you enjoy, and make sure that you enjoy yourself. All work and no play makes for a boring life. If you’re not sure how to begin a self-care routine, this article may help.

6. Don’t Fear Failure

This is the last key to success that I want to talk about today. So many people live in fear of failure. They fear what others will think of them if they fall short of their goals publicly. You know what happens to these people most often? They end up letting that fear take over their life and never end up pursuing their goals or dreams. Don’t let that happen to you. Don’t be afraid of what other people may think because all that truly matters is what you think of yourself. If you try and fail, at the absolute very least you will have gained experience. You can learn from that experience to develop more skills and gain more knowledge that will put you one step closer to becoming the person you want to transform into. If we’re failing, that means we’re still trying. And if we’re still trying, we’re still learning and growing. We’re improving every day. If you’re not failing, it’s likely you’ve stuck yourself right in the middle of your comfort zone. That can be a dangerous place to remain when it comes to achieving personal growth and great success.

Final Thoughts

If you can begin implementing these keys to achieving great success, the only limits holding you back will be the ones that you impose on yourself. Commit yourself to making that change in your life, and making it now. You owe it to yourself to free yourself of limiting beliefs and investing in yourself so that you can accomplish the goals that you find the most meaningful in your life. The bumps in the road, challenges, and adversity will come, but if you embrace these keys to great success in life, you will find ways to overcome them. You will find ways to keep going. Featured photo credit: Candice Picard via unsplash.com