But playing video games can actually provide some benefits. By choosing proper games, you can enjoy the perks while limiting the negatives.

1. Video games can help children learn better

Certain video games actually have an educational component. They may help children learn about letters and numbers, or help with their vocabulary and decision-making skills. Choosing games with an intellectual benefit can help younger children prepare to enter school by giving them an entertaining way to build fundamentals.

2. Video games can improve critical thinking skills

Video games that focus on puzzles can improve critical thinking skills, and may increase creativity. By having to work through a problem, they can learn to make logical connections between certain actions, as well as understand how their choices affect the overall experience.

3. Video games improve the ability to make split-second decisions

While video games are generally criticized when it comes to physical development, there are certain benefits too. Hand-eye coordination can be developed through any game that requires you to act quickly. By requiring a response to visual stimuli on the screen, and having to act accordingly, reflexes can be improved. They may even improve the ability to make split-second decisions, even when under pressure.

4. Video games can get you physically active

A number of video game consoles have also added the ability to be more physical as part of the play. The Nintendo Wii requires players to get up and actually perform certain actions in order to proceed. The Xbox Kinect and PlayStation Move joined in too. Games have been produced that focus on being highly physically active. In fact, some workout “games” have even been released where getting fit is the primary goal.

5. Video games are fun and entertainment

At their core, video games are entertainment. Whether you prefer games like Stick RPG 2 or Call of Duty, it is easy to become incredibly involved in the experience of playing. And there is nothing wrong with occasionally enjoying a game for the sake of it. Video games have been made covering a wide variety of subjects and styles. This allows players, or the player’s parents, to choose games that are appropriate for their age and personal preferences. Game rating systems help people make informed choices about what video games may be ideal for their desired experience.

6. Choose the proper games to enjoy the perks and limit the negatives

Not every video game contains violence, vulgar language, or adult themes. In fact, many are appropriate for all ages, and can be enjoyable for almost anyone. The Lego video game series is wildly popular with children and adults as they feature very little objectionable material. By reviewing the nature of the content in the game, it is possible to find choices that are suitable for almost anyone.

The key to integrating video games into your life is moderation

As with many of life’s activities, the key to integrating video games into your life includes moderation. Almost any activity, when done to excess, can have negative effects. Video games are no different. If you find yourself turning down other opportunities, or missing certain obligations, due to your desire to play video games instead, it may be time to take a break. Consider setting a time limit to prevent excessive play, or only allowing video games on certain days of the week. For those who are neglecting critical components of their life may need professional help. The video games may be a symptom of a larger problem, such as depression or anxiety if they are used to avoid real life necessities, and this applies regardless of any other benefits received. By playing video games responsibly, you can safely have them in your life for whatever purpose you desire. It is just important to make sure that video games do not become your entire life unless it is actually your profession. Featured photo credit: Fredrick Tendong via unsplash.com