1. “Thank you”

This simple expression of gratitude is important for him to hear because it means that you are acknowledging his efforts. Whether it is something as simple as putting away the dishes without you asking or something bigger like him remembering to pick-up your dry cleaning, these are moments that he is showing how much he cares and it is important for you to show him how much it means to you.

2. “I’m proud of you”

This phrase is important for him because it shows that you are acknowledging his accomplishments, big and small. He will appreciate hearing this expression from you because it shows that you are paying attention to important goals in his life and giving him validation for completing them. No matter when you say it, either after he finished a long-time personal goal of competing in a marathon or successfully being able to stand up to his boss when he was being treated unfairly, it is music to his ears.

3. “I believe in you”

This crucial expression is important because it shows him how much you believe in his abilities, especially if he is doubting them himself. Men are wired to be more goal-oriented than women and find encouragement from their significant other to be a factor in their success with anything that they do. Having a strong foundation of moral support in small daily occurrences like encouraging him to try take-up a new sport to larger life goals like finishing an advanced degree is important for his chance of success.

4. “I trust you”

This sentence is one of the most important romantic expressions or phrases that you could say to him to show that you care. Men often have a competitive nature and like to believe that they can figure some things out on their own. If he excels at something like balancing your taxes and you would rather do anything but, give him the reigns and then leave him alone and let him do his thing. When men are given their partner’s complete trust it boosts their self-confidence and they often end up doing a top-notch job with this added encouragement.

5. “You are handsome”

This expression may seem a bit surface-level, but it is important to acknowledge the extra effort when he dresses up. Men are physical creatures and when you complement him on his looks, he feels desired by you even after all the time you have been together. Likewise, it is also important to recognize his efforts if he has been working out and there are noticeable positive changes in his body. Men love to know that all the long hours they have put into the gym have been paying off and are easily noticeable to others, especially you.

6. “You are so talented”

This expression is important because it shows that you notice his strengths, whether it is his ability to cook his signature roasted chicken dish or his ability to finish a crossword puzzle in record time. Whatever his talents are, big or small it is important that you acknowledge them often, which will give him the boost to keep pursuing them and improving  himself. Featured photo credit: Flickr via flickr.com