The words we use have a big impact on our lives. They have the power to create or destroy. I challenge you to chose your words wisely and it’s time to STOP saying….

1. “I don’t have a choice.”

You always have a choice. In fact you are choosing every day, every hour, every minute. Not choosing is a choice, too.  By saying you don’t have a choice in something, you are giving away your ability to choose.If you don’t like something about your live, make a different decision.

2. “I can’t.”

Yes, YOU CAN! Even if you are in bad situation at the moment – You may feel discouraged. You may feel too old. You may feel upset.  You may be sick.  You may be divorced.  You may be unemployed. . But what is important, is that you are ALIVE! Your journey is far from over.  Realize that you can do anything! Forget about previous experiences. Just because you couldn’t do something before doesn’t mean you won’t be able to do it in the future.  Everything is possible.

3. “I missed my chance.”

As Charlie Chaplin once said “Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our troubles.” You might not be exactly where you had intended to go, but you are exactly where you need to be to take the next best step forward. We can’t change the past; we can only change the present. If you can’t see the opportunity, build it. It is never too late to become what you might have been.  Keep growing, keep learning, keep adapting!

4. “My goals and dreams can wait.”

Wait for what? Your dreams and goals can’t wait. It would bea disgrace for you to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of your full potential. So be brave enough to go after your dreams. We all have dreams for a reason, and that reason is to achieve them. Fly! Spread your wings! Become the person you are meant to be, because you won’t get a second shot at life. That’s why you owe to be a dreamer, a positive person and a believer!

5. “They are probably right, so I must be wrong.”

Don’t let others confuse you. Your heart already knows what’s best for you. Listen to it. Others might know what’s best for themselves, but they surely don’t know what’s best for you.  A favorite quote of mine by Albert Einstein says: Even if people do not support you, that doesn’t mean that you are wrong. The truth is that the world isn’t  as it is, but as we see it.  And we all see it differently. Don’t be afraid.. It’s okay to take a different path, as long as you know why you are doing so. Your turn.. What would you add to the list?  What’s something you should never say if you want to increase your potential for success and happiness?  Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.