Give respect

This one seems a little too easy, but many people that do not feel they get the proper respect also do not offer proper respect to their peers. Many people have a tendency to mirror the actions of others, and if you don’t respect your peers, there is little chance that they will respect you. Show respect in the way you talk about others and especially try to show respect for your differences. Never let emotions get the better of you because that can be one of the quickest ways to lose respect.

Hold boundaries

People respect other people that have principles. You may feel that you sometimes need to abandon your principles in order to fit in or gain the respect of your friends and colleagues, but that is rarely the case. They may like you a little more, or even consider you more of a friend, but when they see you give up on your principles, you will instantly lose their respect. Establish boundaries and principles to give yourself an edge in the eyes of those around you.

Increase your height

This should not be reality but unfortunately, it is. Studies show people that are taller get paid more, and they are more respected by their peers. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the fact of the matter is that taller people get more respect. While increasing height may seem like something that is impossible to do, there are actually many ways to increase your height by a few inches. Whether you get there through stretches, exercises, or wardrobe changes, those inches could mean people are looking up instead of down at you, making all the difference.


Many people have a negative or pessimistic view of the world. They constantly see the downside of things. Not only are these people hard to get along with, they are hard to respect. Optimistic people see the good in everything and it helps people to see the good in them. Try biting your tongue before making a negative comment. If you see a problem with a potential plan, determine if it is really worth being seen as a pessimist to bring it up.

Be the best

You don’t have to be the best at everything, you just have to be the best at something. Don’t let mediocrity rule your life. Whether it’s a hobby, an aspect of work, a game, or any number of other things, choose something that you want to become the absolute best at and then become it. People respect others who have skill. Honing a skill takes discipline. It doesn’t have to be something they understand, they just have to understand that you are good at it. Remember, once you become good at something, stay as humble as you can so people don’t think you’re prideful or cocky. Doing these five things will help gain the respect of your peers at work and at home. If they seem too hard, try incorporating one at a time into your life. Once you are good at that, move on to the others.