Your bucket list should stay fluid and grow and diversify as you do. It’s also key to structure your bucket list in an easily manageable and achievable way. With that in mind, here are some of my top tips for Creating an Extraordinary Bucket List.

1. Break your bucket list into sections.

Breaking your bucket list into sections can help you to reflect and manage your goals as you move through your journey of life. I use the following headings/sections to categorize my bucket list: Financial, Health & Fitness, Social, Knowledge, Career, Travel, Achievement and Contribution. Within my separate sections, I record the respective goals. This helps me to identify key areas and also reflect on a particular area of my life. This also allows you to identify the main focus areas of your energy. If you’re growing your career and business goals, but you haven’t touched a single goal in your social section, you can quickly identify that it’s maybe time to focus on other areas of your life.

2. Allow your bucket list to grow.

Allowing your bucket list to grow as you do is vital when it comes to tracking your performance and success. If your goal is to travel to Europe and you achieve this, you should instantly reflect and record a new goal. This could be to travel to Asia or North America, as long as it’s something to make you keep pushing forward. Another goal might be to earn £100,000 per year. Once you achieve this, to keep momentum, you should revise this to say £300,000 per year. Constantly revising your goals will keep you pushing forward and achieving bigger and better objectives. When you stop and look over your achievements, you’ll easily see all the progress you’ve made and all the accomplishments you have achieved.

3. Share and discuss your bucket list goals with friends.

Now bear with me on this one. I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself “but wait William, some of my goals are personal and I don’t want to share these.” That’s fine. Certain goals on your bucket list will be personal and private; however some items may not be. For instance one of my goals is to backpack through Bali. I never knew my friend shared this goal until I discussed this with him. Now I have a friend I can share that journey with as we now plan to take the trip together. Sometimes, those around you can help you to achieve your goals as they can become shared goals. This can also help to form and strengthen your relationship with another person and help to grow and achieve goals from the social section of your bucket list.

4. Don’t rush your goals.

Not rushing your goals is another key aspect to take into account. Remember your bucket list should last a life time. Some goals and objectives may take 5 years and others may take 5 minutes. This balance is key to always keep moving forward. Setting both short term and long term goals is extremely beneficial to create a balanced life. Some goals may take a series of tasks to achieve. These tasks should be kept off the bucket list and jotted down on an action plan sheet instead. I try to record only top level items on my list and refer to an action sheet for the finer details. Hopefully these tips can help you to identify key areas for growth in your life and to build a successful and proactive bucket list. I’m also keen to find out what your goals are. Please feel free to comment below.