All Harry Potter books are amazing. They take you to a wondrous and magical world that you wish really existed. Everything about the books (and movies) is enchanting. Many characters are close to Potter fans’ hearts — Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Dumbledore (to name a few). Have you ever realized that the best quotes from our favorite Harry Potter characters are also chock-full of wisdom? Here are some memorable quotes from the Harry Potter series that incidentally also teach valuable life lessons. Enjoy!
1. What Sirius tells Harry is profound. 2. This quote is too powerful. 3. Dumbledore says the most perceptive things. 4. Who can honestly disagree with this? 5. Here’s some more words of truth. 6. Harry, the greatest wizard in all of history, says it straight. 7. Tom Riddle also says clever things. 8. How about this gem by Dumbledore. 9. This is so true! 10. Who can forget this exchange between Dumbledore and Harry? 11. Luna’s mum was wise. 12. Harry saying what matters. 13. Dumbledore! 14. What about time? 15. Everybody take heed. 16. Dumbledore on love. 17. Hagrid always was the warmest, but this was extra special. 18. This old man, Dumbledore, is so wise. Here’s another inspiring quote. 19. Good advice indeed. 20. Who wouldn’t want to know how a girl’s brain works? 21. No one could say it better! 22. So true. 23. You’ve got to agree with the good professor. 24. Well said, Hagrid. 25. And what about happiness, Dumbledore? 26. Dumbledore has style. 27. Fred and George. Enough said. 28. Dumbledore is wise. 29. Dumbledore – always the one to make a point. 30. This one is a personal favorite! It’s so profound and poetic.