1. Throw A Ball Outside. Turn the TV off, call a friend, and grab your glove. Throwing a ball outside is a time-honored tradition that’s great for exercise, and even better for your psyche.
  2. Go For A Run. Lace up your shoes and start jogging. The wind in your face and the awesome feeling that being healthy brings will make you perk up in no time.
  3. Snuggle With Your Dog. There’s nothing better than having a four legged friend. Dogs are proven to add joy to your life!
  4. Read A Good Book. When was the last time that you actually sat down to read a good book? Pick one up off the shelf and get lost in an imaginary world.
  5. Watch Your Favorite Movie. It doesn’t matter that you’ve seen the movie 50 times already. Go ahead and watch it again.
  6. Watch A Silly Video. It’s so easy to get lost in YouTube videos. Start by checking out what’s popular today—I guarantee you that you’ll let out a few laughs.
  7. Appreciate the Blue Sky. Is it a pretty day? If so, head outside and enjoy the pretty blue sky. Allow yourself to give thanks for the beautiful day.
  8. Light a Candle. If you have scented candles in your home, go ahead and light one of them; the sweet smell will instantly add happiness to your day.
  9. Donate Something. When you donate something, whether it’s clothes, money, or other belongings, you can feel great knowing it’s going to a good cause.
  10. Jump Rope. You probably jumped rope when you were a kid. It’s great exercise, and it’s fun too!
  11. Call An Old Friend. Think of someone who you haven’t talked to in a while. Maybe it’s a good friend or an elderly relative. Give them a call—you’ll make their day, and they’ll make yours.
  12. Send Snail Mail. Sit down and write a note to send to your sister, your nephew, or your mother. It’s such an easy thing to do, and you know everyone loves receiving mail.
  13. Volunteer Your Time. Volunteering your time is a great way to help others and get enjoyment at the same time. Whether it’s a soup kitchen or an animal shelter, there are many places that could benefit from a helping hand.
  14. Go To Your Local Library. Public libraries are dramatically under-utilized. Go to yours today and enjoy reading a magazine or checking out a new book for free.
  15. Take a Free Online Course. Use a website like Alison.com to learn a brand new skill for absolutely free.
  16. Garden Outside. Pull some weeds or plant a few seeds to help make your garden grow this spring.
  17. Paint Something. Grab some finger paint or watercolors that you have on hand and just have fun painting something new. You don’t have to be good at it to have fun.
  18. Take a Nap. How often do you actually get to take a nap? It’s glorious! Do it today!
  19. Research Vacation Sites. Nothing is more fun than looking up tons of new places in the world that you can go see.
  20. Do a Random Act of Kindness. Pay for someone’s lunch at the drive through,, or buy someone’s gas or groceries. You’ll feel amazing, and it will help them so much.
  21. Meditate. Take some time to rest, relax, and center your mind to find happiness.
  22. Write In A Journal. Writing is great way to relieve stress and remember your day-to-day adventures.
  23. Play A Board Game. Seriously, Monopoly never gets old! Scrabble and Cranium are really fun too.
  24. Listen to A Favorite Song. Put on your favorite song! It doesn’t have to be recent. Blasts from the past are also acceptable.
  25. Spend Time With Family. Turn off your cell phones and power down your computer. Just enjoy time being with those you love most.
  26. Sing In The Shower. Who cares if your roommates can hear you? Belt it out!
  27. Paint Your Nails. This one is mostly for the ladies—have fun paining your nails a color you wouldn’t normally consider.
  28. Take a Picture. Make the moment last. Take a picture, and share it with friends on your social media channels.
  29. Make A Grateful List. Writing down the things that you are grateful for can instantly make you happy.
  30. Read A Great Blog. Check out our other posts on LifeHack to find out ways to increase your happiness and productivity. Now that you have 30 great ways to make yourself happy today, go out and enjoy! What are some other free ways to make yourself happy that aren’t mentioned here?