Be The Change

In a film emphasizing doing good because it’s our duty as humans, no other line summarizes the importance of taking initiative quite like this one.

Seek Your Own Path

Films for children rarely stir your soul, but who doesn’t empathize with a character becoming aware of himself in the very worst of starting places. A movie that challenges kids to go after what they want, MewTwos hatred of his lot in life can stir any viewer.

Avoid Being A Follower

In the middle of a tense undercover mission, Obi-Wan addresses the other character’s fears head on, reminding each of us to think before we follow others.

Life Requires Art

Amid the tragedies of the holocaust, Guido in Life Is Beautiful strives to protect his sons innocence. The film highlights the critical nature of art in everyday life, making the case that the things and people we love are the only reason for living. Never is this more clear than when Uncle Eliseo states our need for art and comedy so concisely.

Believe In Yourself

Perhaps no movie character can beat Yoda when it comes to the wise, all-knowing mentor. This simple retort to Luke’s complaint is a poignant underscore to one of the main themes in the Star Wars films: that a strong mind that perseveres can do anything in life.

Choose Your Destiny

The penultimate line from Pokemon: The First Movie, when the result of a scientific experiment learns our choices determine who we are. Proving that quality films, even ones about Pokemon, can teach us a thing or two about life and death.

Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

Another theme in Chicago rings reminiscent of Shakespeare’s “all the worlds a stage..”. Highlighting the temperance of life, reminds us all to enjoy life while we have it, concentrating less on where we are and more on enjoying the ride.

Consider The Other Side

Lilo’s unique perspective on the troublesome, chaotic stitch in Lilo And Stitch is a powerful statement on empathy. A quiet, simple moment that teaches us all to remember to walk a mile in another’s shoes.

Life Is Easier Said Than Done

Another insightful moment from Morpheus, the enlightened leader reminds all of us that falling along the way to success in life is normal.

Choose Thoughtfully

The animated film The Incredibles takes a truly intimidating turn when the evil genius Syndrome flaunts his seemingly endless wealth and new connections. Since Mr. Incredible’s actions influenced Syndrome’s decision to become evil, this moment is a surprisingly powerful reminder that our actions have consequences.

Hold To Your Convictions

In a movie full of quotable scenes, Jack Skellington’s refusal to give up on his passion just because it seems unlikely is inspiring.

Moving On Is A Process

In a film that tackles loss in 1950’s America, Corrina’s succinct advice to a young girl missing her deceased mother is truly moving. Reminding us that life and death come with troubling, yet manageable circumstances.

Never Give Up

As Olive grows afraid she won’t win the beauty pageant, Grandpa’s timeless advice will make anyone smile. Ultimately reminding audiences taking risks is important in life, Grandpas words make everyone ready to give it another try.

Laugh At Your Troubles

As struggling teen Dwayne is faced with his most painful years, Frank’s humorous take on what lies ahead reminds us all to look for the positive in life. Even when things are troubling, the only way to move forward is to keep your chin up.

Growing Up Can Be Hard

Everyone faces a time in life where they transition out their childhood comfort zones. As Andrew Largeman is forced to revisit a troubling childhood, his musings had all of us contemplating our place in life.

Audiences Have Responsibility Too

Chicago challenges how far we say audiences will go to see something new. Mamas interpretation that murder is show business is more relevant than ever in a world of gratuitous reality programming.

Laugh At Yourself

Sam’s simple encouragement for Andrew Largeman to take things less seriously is an effective and powerful lesson in Garden State.

Go Your Own Way

When Andrew and his new friends strike out into their surroundings, we’re once again caught contemplating our individual choices and direction in life.

Make The Most Of Life

An emotional reminder that everyone has challenges they’d rather not face, Gandalf reminds us all the only thing we can do is make the most of where we are in life.

Stand Up For Others

Amid a crumbling society, Sam’s simple optimism in The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers is a beautiful reminder that there is always good-natured people, even when things look impossible.

Challenge Your Perspective

Another movie full of wise lines, The Matrix challenges each of us to redefine how we view our world. As the film challenges the way we see ourselves, we are all prompted to  make the most of our lives.

Examine Your Own Faults

In an already thrilling examination of a twisted mind, The Dark Knight prompts each of us to examine our own lives. While we’re quick to condemn evil, the villain in this film reminds us that every day decisions made by our lawmakers have just as troubling effects.

Appreciate What You Have

Nothing makes you appreciate the things you have quite like Edward’s unfortunate challenges in Edward Scissorhands. As Edward is forced to remain apart from those he loves because of his form, anybody is prone to tear up.

Think Before You Act

Dr Malcolm’s quotable objection to science playing with life is a powerful reminder that what we do in the name of discovery, we are still responsible for. No other film line quite captures the new scientific discoveries and challenges faced in our budding millennial world. 

Carpe Diem

In a simple moment from Dead Poets Society, John Keating sums up the most vital life advice any of us can receive. Featured photo credit: Chuck Coker via

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