They can inspire us, influence our decisions, and even change our entire outlook on a subject. A single sentence may resonate with a reader on such a level that it can undo years of hurt and heal old wounds, or it may bring about incredible introspection and awareness, leading to change and growth. Words spoken by prominent people have spurred people into action for thousands of years, and there are many people  who owe their greatest successes and personal epiphanies to quotes they’ve read. Hopefully some of the ones compiled below will resonate with you as well, and if they do, feel free to share them. If some of them happen to be about one particular gender or another, please don’t be put off: the sentiments can be applied to those of any gender, age, or faith.       – Don Miguel Ruiz   – Frank Herbert, Dune

– Katharine Hepburn  

– Leonardo da Vinci       – Ralph Waldo Emerson

– Buddha     – Richard Bach   – Albert Einstein   – Goldie Hawn   – Leo Buscaglia     – Roald Dahl   – G. Young   – Og Mandino

    Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” – Neil Gaiman

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