1. They are triggered by the hunt rather than the catch.

What keeps an adventurous person excited and pumped up is the thrill of the hunt and the journey. They would prefer to go through unknown territories in search for answers rather than sit still to wait for them. What keeps them going is the experience of the journey, the challenges, the fears, dangers and pleasures. Through the journey they discover and learn and the catch only becomes a physical symbol of their exploits.

2. They believe in the present.

They believe in what they can do presently to change their fate. They can’t wait for tomorrow or dwell on yesterday. They know they have to seize the moment and keep a clear direction to seizing their windows of opportunity.

3. They can’t settle in a comfort zone.

When things become too comfortable, the excitement dwindles. When you love an adventurous person, know that she or he will never be stuck to a particular routine or a set schedule. An adventurous person knows that new territories offer limitless possibilities and outcomes.

4. They understand their fears and anxiety.

We all have worries and fears. We are caught in the act of not knowing how the world will respond to our actions or decisions. However the adventurous is not worried about the outer world. Rather the adventurous person is concerned in dealing with and conquering his inner barriers and winning from the inside. They don’t get lost in their fears and worries; rather, they manage them.

5. They are not concerned about people’s opinions.

Adventurous people understand that to accomplish a task or see through a project the onus is on them rather than on whatever people have to say. They are not bothered with what people’s opinions are, because at the end of the day it is only theirs that counts if they want to complete a mission.

6. They know that it takes a step through failure to succeed.

The adventurous mind is like that of a baby trying to walk, they know they have to keep trying or take those early steps to get a firm stand. The adventurous person doesn’t fear failure, he knows it is a vital part of the process to become successful at what he does. Whether it is in riding a bike or starting a business, the adventurous person is willing to meet failure if he has to succeed.

7. They live in between depression and joy.

Between the joys of accomplishing a goal are thrill and depression. The adventurous person sometimes has to stake everything from relationships, love and comfort to achieve his purpose. Traveling to unknown territories like a foreign country can mean not having a friend who speaks your language.

8. They are inspired by new grounds.

It could be a different language or it could be the story and the marveling edifice of the Taj Mahal—adventurous people are awed and inspired by new grounds. They know there are no limits to the beauty of the world and are willing to explore these new grounds to find something fascinating in culture and splendor.

9. They don’t ever seem to grow up.

Their minds are always wandering and like a child, they are full of activities and ideas. For an adventurous person life is about unraveling mysteries, growing young and discovering new grounds.

10. They believe in their dreams.

They have dreams and are committed to them. They do not hesitate because they feel the real is out there and awaits them. Somewhere between, they are positive and know they are favored to see their dreams come true.

11. They are not after security.

Many people are after security and assurances. And they believe they are captains of their own realities. Whatever decisions, between dumb and genius, should take them to unbelievable destinations rather than keep them in a particular spot.

12. They are after freedom.

Going to a foreign land or pursuing a new purpose should free them from that box they were locked in their whole life. They wouldn’t want to regret the chances they never took so they pursue limitless possibilities.

13. They have many exciting stories to tell.

They have so many interesting stories to tell as they have experienced many pursuits and journeys. Their stories offer details and a dynamic edge to those things you may not have known.

14. They don’t blame others for how their adventures turn out.

They assume full responsibility for their decisions and the commitments they make whether it is fortunate or not.

15. They will always value their space.

Loving an adventurous person means you appreciate them and understand that their freedom or space will always be important to them. The space to operate and chart newer courses will always offer them another day to become a purposeful person. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com