There are certain things we do that, without our knowledge, help to damage our metabolism. You will be surprised to learn that your regular habits can be very bad for your metabolism. If we want to stop ruining our metabolism, then we must avoid such activities. I know it will be tough, but it’s worth a try! Here are 15 things you do every day that ruin your metabolism.

1. Your body doesn’t get enough water.

Don’t stay dehydrated, especially after waking up. When you are sleeping, your body receives no water for 6 to 8 hours straight. Our body is made up of 60% water — we need to fill up our body’s tank with around 2 liters per day. However, during the nighttime, it’s likely that you hardly wake up to drink even one glass, which leads to dehydration. The best thing to do after waking up is to drink at least 2 glasses of water. This will result in more energy, less bloating, and a lower appetite.

2. You drink too much caffeine.

More or less, we are all somehow addicted to caffeinated drinks, be it coffee or soft drinks. Even I need coffee to keep me going for the duration of the day. But, according to nutritionists, caffeine subdues our appetites. Drinking too many caffeinated drinks may make you feel full throughout the day, and by the time you realise you haven’t eaten much, it is already too late. Even if you consume dinner, the body won’t be able to break down the nutrients immediately. Cut down on your caffeine. Make it one mug of coffee, and a maximum of two small caffeinated drinks per day. Gradually decrease these, too.

3. Too much alcohol slows down your metabolism.

Drinking hard drinks, or any form of alcohol, results in the slowing down of your body’s ability to burn fat. For example, a couple of shots can reduce fat burning by 73%. The reason for this is because alcohol is being used as fuel instead of fat. So, make alcohol a weekend-only beverage. If you really need a drink, then keep it to a single glass.

4. Your water has excess fluoride and chlorine.

Our regular tap water contains fluoride and chlorine. It is specifically recommended not to drink water that contains fluoride and chlorine because these two chemicals have been discovered to interfere with normal thyroid function. This leads to dysfunction in the metabolic processes. It is always advised to filter your water before drinking.

5. Your diet contains pesticides.

Normal fruits and vegetables in the supermarket usually contain pesticides. The chemicals present in such pesticides can interfere with your metabolism and reduce the process of weight loss. The best solution is to opt for organic fresh fruits and vegetables.

6. Your diet is not organic.

Apart from your fruits and veggies, are you eating organic meat, eggs, and diary products? You should, because hormone-injected poultry, meat, eggs, and diary products have bad impacts on our own hormones that are linked to our growth, reproduction, thyroid function, and appetite. This can make it difficult for the body to maintain its metabolism. So, next time you are at the supermarket, go for organic products.

7. You eat too many calories right before bedtime.

This is a common eating habit for many of us. Whether it is due to workload, or simply skipping on meals throughout the entire day, we tend to make up for any missing calories in the evening. And, commonly, right before hitting the sack. This means that we don’t have the time to go for a walk or wait two hours for that food to digest. That’s the primary reason for having a big belly, and this fat is dangerous as it leads to health risks. The solution to avoid eating these calories is to munch on healthy snacks throughout the day, even if you don’t feel like having a meal. Healthy snacks will reduce your hunger, and will keep you full. So, by the time you come home, you won’t need to eat a calorie-heavy dinner.

8. You love processed foods.

Processed foods contain chemicals. That is how the food remains fresh and tastes different. Sometimes, these cans and boxes can save a lot of time for us. But still, it is wise to avoid processed foods whenever possible. The preservatives used in these can increase stomach fat, and may result in Type 2 diabetes, slowing down the rate of metabolism. Go for fresh foods. Use airtight containers to keep them fresh for longer.

9. You have a major sweet tooth.

I have a sweet tooth. And it is quite hard to control my sweet cravings — still, I do. Because, the sugars from all these candies, chocolates, cookies, and ice creams get easily absorbed in your blood, resulting in high glucose levels. It will also stop your metabolism. The best way to deal with such cravings is to indulge in fruits. Simple.

10. You are not a nutty person.

Why are nuts considered to be super healthy snacks? The answer is that nuts are stacked with protein, and most importantly, polyunsaturated fats. These fats release energy, increase your metabolism, and lower your bad cholesterol. So, even if you are not a nutty person, just pick up your favourite nuts, mix them up with your salad, and eat. A handful per day is more than enough.

11. You diet too much.

Going for diets to reduce your weight, or fats, is part of the regime, besides doing the right exercises. But extreme diets can produce negative results. If you stop eating carbs and you regularly exercise, for example, you are stopping the muscle-building process. This is because carbohydrates release energy, helping to burn calories. The more muscle, the better the workout. Therefore, you need proper carbs in your diet. Go for one cup of brown rice, sweet potato, oatmeal, or whole wheat bread.

12. You don’t have a balanced diet.

We tend to skip on a proper, balanced diet nearly every day. It is either just protein and some carbs, or carbs mainly, or a mixture of some protein, minerals, and calcium. But the thing is, we all need appropriate amounts of proteins, vitamins, and minerals like calcium. Protein helps you to grow muscle. It is also important for growing children. It boosts your metabolism, and gives you a satisfactory stomach without going for extra calories. Meanwhile, apart from the sun providing your vitamin D, fish like salmon is rich in the vitamin. If you have salmon for your lunch, 90% of your daily intake is fulfilled. Calcium helps to keep your bones strong, and helps to regulate your body’s metabolism. Try these foods:

Protein-rich foods: egg whites, nuts, lean meat, and yes, fish. Vitamin D sources: Salmon, and sunlight. Calcium sources: yogurt, milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

13. You work out at odd hours.

Are you a morning person? If yes, try to wake up a bit earlier and go for a jog. The fresh sunlight and the break of sweat will lower your BMI, and it will control how much energy you will burn. Morning exercises will also release energy and activate your brain power for the rest of the day, along with keeping you energized. What else do you need?

14. You depend on medicines.

Taking multivitamins, calcium tablets, iron capsules, this medicine for this ailment, and that medicine for that ailment. When you combine all your medications together, you’ll notice that these colorful shapes can easily fill your plate. Try to avoid taking unnecessary medicines. Consult with your doctor before going for over-the-counters. These drugs will interfere with your metabolic process, slowing it down, and can reduce energy. Don’t take meds for too long. Seek your doctor’s advise on alternate and natural ways to heal, such as exercise, a proper diet, and even meditation.

15. You are an insomniac.

It doesn’t matter if you are loaded with work, or worrying about what to feed your children the next day, you should get enough sleep at night. It is recommended to get at least 7 hours of deep sleep, or maximum of 9 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can severely decrease your metabolism. It may result in depression, bad mood, causing you burn fewer calories, making you go hungry, store fats, and the list goes on. To overcome a sleepless night, you can take a warm bath before going to bed, or listen to some music that will soothe you. And don’t fret too much about the future — just live in the present.