1. They do what they love

People who are highly fulfilled do what they love on a regular basis.  They believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, and it is best enjoyed when they’re doing what they enjoy.  Whether it’s dancing, painting, cooking, doing yoga, or reading, think about what you love to do and find a way to make time for it.

2. They set reasonable goals

Highly fulfilled people do not create to-do lists that are a mile long simply because they know they will not be able to get all those tasks accomplished.  And that’s okay with them, because they focus on quality over quantity.  They know that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and by doing things right the first time, they won’t have to go back and re-do them.  Think about what you can reasonably accomplish within a day, and put only those things on your to-do list.

3. They have high standards

Being a fulfilled person does not necessarily equate to being a perfectionist (especially because “perfect” is always out of reach, a perfectionist mindset is actually quite unfulfilling). However, people who are fulfilled typically set high standards for themselves because they’re confident they can achieve them and they take pride in what they do.  Think about how you can raise the bar in your professional life and your personal life.  Ask your boss for feedback on what you can do to improve.  Ask your spouse or significant other what you can do to be a better husband/ wife/ partner.

4. They embrace challenges

Unlike some people, highly fulfilled people don’t run away from challenges.  They embrace them because they know that anytime they tackle a challenge, they come out stronger on the other side.  Whether it’s learning a new language, enforcing green policies to help the environment, giving an important speech, or spearheading a project at work, don’t be afraid to take on the things that might be a challenge to you.  Not only will it make you a stronger person, but it will also make you feel good too.

5. They are acutely aware of their strengths and weaknesses

Fulfilled people know what they do well and the areas in which they could improve.  When they’re working as part of a team at work, they’ll use their strengths to benefit the entire team.  For instance, someone who’s very analytic might be in charge of problem solving tasks, while someone who’s outgoing and gregarious might become the face of the company, serving as a representative at corporate functions.  When it comes to the things that they don’t do well (AKA their weaknesses), they will either work to improve them, or they’ll find a way to delegate them to someone else for whom those weaknesses might be a strength.

6. They do good things for other people

If it sounds cliché’, it’s because it’s true: when you do good things for other people, you can’t help but feel good too.  Fulfilled people know this and so they find a way to do nice things for others whenever or wherever they can.  Whether it’s getting coffee for the person in line behind you at Starbucks, leaving an extra generous tip, or running a race for a good cause, finding a way to give back to the community is a guaranteed path to fulfillment.

7. They prioritize their well-being and overall health

Fulfilled people know that in order to do the things that make them feel fulfilled, they have to take care of themselves.  People who are constantly pouring out of their cup into others’ cups will ultimately have an empty cup if they don’t take care to fill themselves back up.  Fulfilled people are keenly aware of this, and so they prioritize things like getting in a workout, eating healthy foods, getting enough shut eye, and spending time with the people they love.  Health and wellness is an integral part of fulfillment.  Take a step towards improving your health today, and you’ll be well on your way to living a more fulfilling life.

8. They do what they do well

Most people feel good when they’re doing something they do well.  A dancer who knows how to move and groove will feel great when she’s doing her thing out on the dance floor.  A photographer who has a knack for capturing a moment will feel in their element when they’re snapping pictures.  A basketball player who slam dunks like Michael Jordan will feel in the zone when they’re on the court playing their game.  Think about the things that you do well, and whatever it is, spend time doing it.

9. They don’t waste time multi-tasking

Fulfilled people don’t fall into the trap of multi-tasking.  They know that when they multi-task, they can’t give their full attention to the tasks they’re executing, so one or both of them will have a poor outcome.  Rather, they do one thing at a time, and in that moment, they give it all their time, focus, energy, and attention.

10. They connect with friends and family

People who are fulfilled know the importance of prioritizing the people they care about.  They make time for friends and family because they feel the happiest when they’re spending time with the people they love.

11. They are in tune with their spirituality

In many cases, fulfillment comes from being in tune with your spiritual side and practicing your religious faith.  That’s why fulfilled people regularly spend time in prayer, meditating, going to Bible studies, and connecting with other believers who can provide encouragement and spur them on in their walks of faith.

12. They have an unshakable inner confidence

Fulfilled people know deep down that they matter, that they have value, and that they can make a significant contribution to the world around them.  If you’re someone who struggles with self- confidence, consider taping up personal mantras around your desk or somewhere you will see them on a regular basis to remind yourself of just how awesome you are.

13. They practice mindfulness

People who are fulfilled might have worries and fears just like the rest of us, but they don’t let that rob them from the joy of living in the moment.  They soak in every great experience they have, savoring even the littlest details and appreciating them for what they’re worth.

14. They express gratitude

It’s hard to feel fulfilled if you don’t ever feel thankful for what you already have.  Fulfilled people count their blessings, and rather than fixating on what they don’t have, they focus on being grateful for what they’ve got.

15. They do things that give them a feeling of purpose

This might be one of the most important concepts related to fulfillment: in order to feel fulfilled, you have to feel like you are living out your purpose.  Fulfilled people do what they feel they were created to do, and they reap great satisfaction from doing so.  Whatever you feel you were made to do, whether it’s going on a mission to a third world country, starting a nonprofit company, or raising your children to become responsible good people – do it.  When you live life according to a higher purpose, you will know what it means to be fulfilled. Ultimately, personal fulfillment comes down to the little decisions you’re making on a daily basis.  You can either make toxic choices that drag you down and keep you from moving forward or positive choices that boost you up and fulfill you.  The choice is yours.  Make it a good one. Featured photo credit: stevendepolo via flickr.com

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