It’s not only good for salad dressing! Here are 15 ways you can use apple cider vinegar:

1. For Extra Shiny Hair

For extra body and extra shiny hair, use apple cider vinegar as a hair rinse. Dilute one tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of warm water and rinse hair with it after shampooing and conditioning. (I use a plastic cup in my shower, in case I drop it.) Don’t rinse it out though, leave it in your hair for extra body and shine. You are probably wondering if you will smell like vinegar for the rest of the day. Don’t worry, the smell will dissipate shortly.

2. To Treat Dandruff

Because apple cider vinegar helps balance pH, it helps reduce dandruff. Mix one part apple cider vinegar to one part warm water. Massage it into your scalp and wait for 15–20 minutes before rinsing it out. You can substitute water with rosewater—it also works very well.

3. As a Facial Toner

Apple cider vinegar has natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It also helps balance the pH of your skin. Mix one tablespoon of vinegar with two tablespoons of water. Using a cotton ball, apply it to your face after cleansing and before applying cream—just as you would normally use a facial toner. If you have sensitive skin, you may like to consider rinsing this toner off with warm water.

4. As an Aftershave Lotion

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of water and apply after shaving. As mentioned above, if you are concerned about the smell, don’t worry—it will dissipate very quickly.

5. To Treat Sunburn

Soak a facial cloth in apple cider vinegar and apply to affected area to reduce peeling after sunburn. If applied undiluted apple cider vinegar stings you, then try diluting it with water.

6. As an Acne Remedy

Apple cider vinegar may help to heal acne scars. It also reduces inflammation and infection, thus reducing further outbreaks. Mix one part of vinegar to three parts of water and dab your acne with this solution two to three times per day.

7. To Lighten Dark Skin Spots (Sun or Age Spots)

Dab a clean cotton ball in undiluted apple cider vinegar. Apply it to your dark spots and leave it alone overnight. You may need to repeat this a few times to lighten the spot.

8. For Massage, Sore Muscles and Mild Backache

Because apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, it penetrates and warms the muscles. It also provides temporary relief for low to moderate levels of back pain. Mix equal proportions of apple cider vinegar and water. Rub into affected area. Be careful though, if you have cuts or cracks in your skin, it may burn a bit.

9. As a Facial Mask

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of raw, organic honey. Add one tablespoon of clay (I use bentonite clay). Apply this mixture to your freshly cleaned face, leave it for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

10. To Treat Bruises

Dab a clean cotton ball into undiluted apple cider vinegar and apply to a bruise as a compress. It should promote healing and reduce the size of the bruise. The sooner you apply the apple cider vinegar, the better it works.

11. For Indigestion or Stomach Ache

Apple cider vinegar may help your indigestion. Mix one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water, add one to two tablespoons of honey. Drink slowly.

12. As an Energy Boost

Many people claim that one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with equal amounts of honey and diluted in a cup of water is an effective energy booster. This could be because apple cider vinegar is highly acidic and helps absorption of minerals from our food.

13. For Weight Loss

This is not scientifically proven, but many people swear that drinking one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in one cup of water helps them lose weight. You can drink this mixture throughout the day, or drink it before meals. This possibly works because apple cider vinegar is high in acetic acid, which helps to slow down the process of breaking carbohydrates into sugars, thus preventing your sugar levels from rising too fast.

14. To Treat Heartburn

Apple cider vinegar has been long used to relieve heartburn. Dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water, and drink it before a meal. This is a temporary measure; as a long term strategy you may need to reconsider your diet.

15. As a Cold and Flu Treatment

To one cup of warm water, add one tablespoon apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey. Drink it like tea. You may repeat this after three to four hours. No boiling water please: it will destroy the benefits of honey, especially if you are using raw, unprocessed honey.

Which Apple Cider Vinegar?

You want organic, unfiltered, unrefined and unprocessed apple cider vinegar. This will give you the most benefits. It can look murky brown, with some residue at the bottom, or small pieces floating in it. Just shake well before use. Perfectly clear apple cider vinegar should be avoided.

How To Take Apple Cider Vinegar

If you are not crazy about the taste of apple cider vinegar, add cinnamon, which is a great anti-inflammatory and makes it more palatable. You can also dilute apple cider vinegar in warm water or clear apple juice. Some experts suggest that you should never take apple cider vinegar straight, as it is too acidic for our bodies. Adding honey to this makes it more pleasant to drink, plus organic, unrefined honey is good for you. Use a straw to bypass the taste buds and the teeth. There is a legitimate argument that apple cider vinegar is bad for your tooth enamel, so rinse your teeth after consuming apple cider vinegar.

A Word of Caution About Apple Cider Vinegar

Your body is a perfect mechanism, and will tell you if you are taking too much apple cider vinegar. You may have a reaction against it, but these reactions are usually mild. If you feel that you are having a reaction, such as an upset stomach, you should probably discontinue using it and see if the reaction disappears. You are unique, and what works for others may not work for you. If you have any comments or suggestions please post them below.