1. They should expect nothing from anyone

No matter how weak a woman is meant to be she still has the right to rule her world. She should focus on being independent and take the direction she wants to take. The truth is that many people out there adore an independent woman. Depending on someone to define her happiness will take her nowhere.

2. There is no solution to problems when you worry

Women are more given to worrying and trying to make things better. The best thing for a girl while she grows up to become a woman is to experience the world and live it. She would only drain her physical and mental energy by worrying or trying to fix everything. Every girl should know she can live the way she wants and be happy with every moment rather than looking at tomorrow answering her problems.

3. Let her know she has to be brave

Yes a woman will face motherhood and she will be responsible for the success of another being. Through this twist there will be challenges that will test her courage and strength. Let your girl know she has to be brave regardless of the situation she finds herself in. Let her define her situations rather than situations defining her.

4. Let her know beauty goes beyond the physical

The media tends to laud physical beauty and appearance. We live in a world where physical appearance pushes the moment. But this is not sustaining. What will sustain her are the values and inner qualities she has been able to nurture over the years.

5. Let her be reminded of her self-worth

Let her see herself not as the world sees her but how she sees herself. She must have gone through a lot of educating and refining process. She doesn’t need society to dictate for her their standards, but rather she should value herself and dictate for society her standards.

6. Let her take risks

There is no harm in failure. It is nothing but a learning process and sometimes a platform that will take her to the next stage. Let her not see failure or taking risks as a setback or an obstacle but see it as a process to finding success.

7. Let her dream big

She can be a Hilary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice. She should not limit herself from endless possibilities and trudging on paths that will take her to where she wants to be. She should dream as big as she can and beckon on many opportunities.

8. Let her be careful of her associations

The friends she keeps and hangs out with will certainly have an effect on her. Being selective is not a crime; it only makes you understand what matters and what should be valued. She should have the right association that will not take her away from her happiness but make her always joyful.

9. Teach her to be respectful

Let her be kind and respectful to the feelings of others. We do not know what cycle we are in life. Let her be able to see the good in others and find source and energy in doing good deeds to others. Thus she can be a river of possibilities than simply a reservoir of goodness.

10. Let her never stop seeking for knowledge

Never have we had in history such abundance of knowledge and information. Let her always seek knowledge and embolden herself with skills that will make her more efficient and capable as a woman. Featured photo credit: http://www.flickr.com via flickr.com