Here are ten of the most common symptoms that you should be on the lookout for:

1. Suddenly Feeling Full When Eating

If you have just sat down to a meal and feel full after just a few bites, it may indicate the presence of a cancerous growth on the surface of the stomach or intestines, which can indicate the presence of ovarian cancer.

2. Lost Appetite

Many patients who have ovarian cancer experience a diminished appetite. This takes place because of the impact that the cancer has the body’s ability to properly break down what is eaten and to use the elements properly in metabolism. If you have experienced this symptom, talk to a doctor right away.

3. Chronic Back Pain

Ovarian cancer patients often deal with a repeated, achy feeling in their lower back. In many cases, these patients described this pain as similar to pain experienced during labor.

4. Extended Abdominal Pain

If you are experiencing pain near your pelvis or in your lower stomach that isn’t related to your menstrual cycle or the foods that you’ve eaten, it may be a sign of ovarian cancer. In most cases, patients reported that their pain appeared off and on for a period of over two weeks.

5. Intense or Chronic Bloating

If you find that your pants suddenly don’t fit in the way they used to and you have not gained significant weight or had dietary changes, it may be an early symptom of ovarian cancer.

6. Sudden Changes in Bowel Patterns

Tumors in the ovaries can add increased levels of pressure to the digestive system and waste secretion systems, causing women to deal with constipation and diarrhea, sometimes back to back.

7. Recurrent Indigestion

While indigestion can be a sign of many things, when it occurs repeatedly and alongside of some of the symptoms listed here, it can be an early sign of ovarian cancer. Symptoms of indigestion may include gassiness, nausea, and heartburn.

8. Sudden Changes in Weight

While many women are excited to suddenly lose weight without changing the way that they eat or their level of activity, it is usually a sign of dramatic changes in the body. If you have experienced unintentional and sudden weight loss, contact your doctor immediately.

9. Frequent Trips to the Bathroom

If you constantly feel the need to run to the bathroom, increase the number of trips to the restroom each day, or suddenly lose control of your bladder completely over the course of a few weeks, it can be a signal that you may have ovarian cancer.

10. Sudden Sores or Bleeding in the Vagina

Up to 25% of patients with ovarian cancer reported that they experienced sudden bleeding that was unrelated to their menses, accompanied by the appearance of sores, increased discharge, or discoloration of the skin.

Early Detection is the Key

If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms on a regular basis, make an appointment to see a doctor. When detected early in patients, the likelihood that treatment will be effective is much higher. It’s easy to make excuses and to dismiss what you may be feeling, but by making a simple appointment, you can take charge of your life and your health. If you have a history of ovarian cancer in your family, take steps ahead of time to improve your health with cancer-fighting foods, regular exercise, and routine visits to the doctor. Be sure to note any sudden changes in your body and report them to your physician.