You’re not alone. Most of us yearn for something bigger and better in our lives. It’s part of being human. And if the following signs describe you, there’s a good chance you have great things to look forward to in your future.

You’re never satisfied with “good enough.”

If you think you’re meant for something bigger, chances are you’re the type of person who goes above and beyond. You don’t settle for mediocrity. You don’t accept the status quo. And you definitely want to be the best in everything you do.

You’re not afraid to take risks.

Great leaders, thinkers, entrepreneurs, and game-changers embrace failure and learn from their mistakes. It’s a harsh truth, but if you don’t take risks in life, you’ll never reach great heights.

You take action when you feel inspired.

It’s okay if you tend to put things off until you’re really inspired. People who are meant for something bigger know when to make calculated decisions and when to take action. They let a combination of intuition and analysis guide their decision-making. And most of the time it results in good decisions.

You love what you do so much you’d do it for free.

People who accomplish great things in life do what they love and love what they do … so much so that they would do it for free. That’s because they know they’ll get paid to do what they love eventually, which leads to our next sign …

You’re an entrepreneur at heart.

People who are meant for something bigger find ways to work for themselves. They often feel constrained while working for someone else. Even if they work for a company they don’t love, they find ways to do work on the side that helps them get closer to their goals.

You’re a true optimist.

Are you filled with hope and optimism about the future? People who are meant for something bigger are. Choose to look on the bright side and see the glass as half full.

You’re able to focus your efforts on your best ideas.

Highly successful people have a lot of ideas but they don’t get bogged down by them. If you think you’re meant for something bigger, honestly evaluate which ideas you spend the most time on. If you find you’re wasting time on trivial tasks that aren’t getting you anywhere, ask yourself one important question: will doing this get me closer to finding my purpose?

You dream big.

Do you aspire to do great things? Do you want to change the world? If so, this is one of the biggest signs you’re meant to do great things. Harness that energy and take action every day to make it happen. You don’t have to be perfect. Focus on repetition and making small progress.

You seek new knowledge every day.

People who are destined for greatness are lifelong learners. They seek knowledge in books, on the Internet, and through conversation with intelligent people. The fact that you’re reading this article is testament to the fact that you’re a knowledge-seeker.

You go out of your way to help others, even when it’s inconvenient to you.

Want to know the surest sign you’re meant for something bigger on this planet? It’s having the courage to go out of your way to help other people … without expecting anything in return. Do good deeds and help people less fortunate than you. When you give, you get. That’s what life is all about: putting your stamp on the world by making a difference in the lives of others.