1. You share some common interests

While most couples do not have everything in common with each other, it’s important to find some common ground. Whether it is trying out a new restaurant in your neighborhood or joining a community sport’s team together, the important thing is to explore your common interest in the context of your relationship and use it as a way to strengthen your bond.

2. You have similar values

For couples who share the same outlook on life, this is one of the biggest factors in gauging compatibility. Is having the support of your family important for you? If so, it’s ideal to look for a partner that shares this same perspective. On the other hand, if you each have different religions, political beliefs or other different outlooks on life, does that make you automatically not a good match? Not necessarily, especially if you can come to a common middle ground on various topics and are empathetic towards your partner’s view. A mutual tolerance and desire to understand each other makes you compatible.

3. You respect your differences

Having similar values is important, but no couple will agree on everything 100 percent. It is important in moments of disagreement to be respectful and lay out boundaries, so that you are not having the same discussion over and over again, that you know will go nowhere.

4. You miss each other when you are apart

As the old saying goes, “absence makes the heart grow founder” and there is a kernel of truth to this statement. For couples who spend some time apart, it allows them to take a step back from their relationship and realize how grateful they are for their significant other.

5. You have a natural physical attraction towards each other

Couples who are compatible do not only share some similar interests and values, but there also has to be a spark between them as well. Being physically attracted to your significant other is important for couples to boost each others confidence and make each other feel wanted. Although the new-relationship spark feels different than the attraction felt in a five-year relationship, the important thing is that it is still mutually felt by both parties.

6. You are able to become stronger as a couple after a disagreement

It’s inevitable that all couples fight from time to time, but what is important is how an argument is resolved. Couples are meant to be together if they feel stronger after a disagreement and that they were able to fix it effectively. On the opposite side of the spectrum, if there are are some lingering feelings of resentment, the couple can grow further apart.

7. You take the time to really listen to each other

One of the cornerstones of a healthy relationship is that couples take the time to listen to their significant other and show their support this way. This can be one of the harder things to do, but a couple who puts in the effort to lend an ear to their partner will show that they are in for the long run.

8. You are on the same relationship page

Couples who mesh well together are ones who are clear with each other on where they stand in their relationship, whether it is about going exclusive or talking about long-term commitment. It’s important for couples to have complete transparency with what they want from their partner and their relationship in general, otherwise there could be major trouble down the road.

9. You understand the importance of compromise

For a couple to thrive well in a relationship, there has to be a healthy level of give and take. Couples who understand what is important and pick their battles wisely are bound to stay together for the long-run. Compromise takes practice, but this is one of the things that couples who want to improve their relationships consistently strive towards.

10. You travel well together

One of the telltale signs of a strong relationship is when a couple hits the road together. If they face the trials and tribulations of being in unfamiliar places together with grace, there is hope that they can face life back at home. Whether it is a longer trip abroad or a shorter weekend getaway, this is an excellent way to measure a couple’s compatibility. Featured photo credit: http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-119856304/stock-photo-young-attractive-couple-together-outdoors.html?src=rMjUKFlOkQeo5wJD50mjGg-4-10 via Young attractive couple together outdoors