Here, we debunk 10 of the most famous relationship myths.

1. Your Relationship Should Be Like A Movie

Many people expect relationships to be like the relationships portrayed in romantic films, but they are often overly dramatic and painful. Don’t seek out drama as a sign of passion and love; a true sign of love is stability and consistency, and the ability to weather bad storms together.

2. If You Feel Doubt, You Must Be With The Wrong Person

It is normal to feel uncertain at times, especially if you plan to spend a long time with your partner. It is likely your doubts have more to do with your own personal fears, such as fear of commitment, rather than fears about your partner. Try to remember that feeling uncertain is very different to feeling unhappy.

3. True Love Is Unconditional

Many people believe that true love is unconditional, as many movies and books portray this as the most ‘real’ love. However, people often change – and that is normal and healthy. You are with your partner because you love who they are, and it is more important to grow together, rather than to provide them with unwavering love.

4. Your Relationship Is Your Happiness

Lasting and true happiness comes from within. If you only find happiness in someone else’s love, or you don’t feel whole by yourself, you will find yourself becoming unhealthily dependant – which is unfair on your partner. Take some time to be by yourself, so you can learn to love yourself first. Relationships are a chance for you to share your happiness with someone else, and to be with someone because you want them – rather than because you don’t want to be alone.

5. Jealousy Is A Sign Of Love

Jealousy is often a sign of insecurity, and feeling secure in a relationship is very important. Instead of fixating on your jealousy, try to work on your own confidence and being aware of your self-worth.

6. You Change For Someone If You Love Them

Compromise is normal in a healthy and happy relationship, but you should be compromising on the relationship – not the person. If you have to change yourself to be with someone, you will struggle to be happy with them.

7. My Partner Should Know How I Am Feeling

Many people expect their partner to be able to know and understand how they are feeling. However, sometimes even you may not truly know how you feel or what you need. At times like this you cannot expect your partner to know how you are feeling – but you can tell them you feel confused, giving them the chance to acknowledge your feelings.

8. You Should Do Everything Together

While it is a great feeling to share interests with your partner, it is important to still have interests of your own. In a healthy relationship you will still both maintain friendships, hobbies and careers – spending time with only one person is emotionally unhealthy and can leave you feeling trapped.

9. A Happy Relationship Doesn’t Require Work

Many people often mistakenly believe that a good relationship is effortless, and that both individuals are always on the same page. The truth is you are both different people, and even the happiest relationships require work, effort and attention. Every day will not be perfect; sometimes life will get in the way and you will have to make a concentrated effort to make your partner happy.

10. Your Relationship Will Be Fight Free

Many people hope that they have so much in common with their partner that they won’t disagree. However, humans are complicated and opinionated, so it is important to realize voicing your opinion is fine – even when you do disagree. It doesn’t mean you aren’t in love; it just means you care about each other enough to work through fights and respect each other nonetheless.