Enjoying life and being successful starts with having a good relationship with yourself. Spending time with yourself, noticing your best parts and weaknesses is a chance to see the light within and around, to move forward to what you really want. Here are some reasons why you should remember yourself and sometimes say NO to others and YES to yourself.

1.  Stop the daily rush.

Being alone and doing something for yourself is a great way to stop the daily rush. No matter what it is—having a nice cup of coffee, having a long walk in woods, sitting on the bench in a park and looking at the sun, fishing, cooking—whatever makes you feel happy and smile.  Just take a pause of daily habits and give yourself the true gift of being alive.

2. Calm your mind.

Your mind is always busy with duties, responsibilities and worries. You stress about being on time, what to cook for dinner, planning your next trip, or gives you need to buy. The list is endless. When you are alone and your thoughts are about how to make yourself happy or how to enjoy time and smile, worries and never-ending thoughts begin to disappear. And when you come back to those things you can really enjoy doing them. You can see new, unusual solutions, you can admit that sometimes things resolve themselves, and the only thing you have to do is to let them be, to let them go and let Universe deal with it.

3. Set up new goals and see how to achieve them.

During your alone time, you can think about your dreams, set up new goals, see what you really want in your life and make a plan with clear steps to achieve them.

4. Notice your true feelings and get to know yourself better.

Wearing different kinds of masks is like hiding your true being and not being honest to yourself and others. When you are alone, you can notice your true feelings—exhaustion, tiredness, stress, insecurity, happiness—whatever it is, it is good to know them to be able to change within.

5. Listen to your inner voice.

When your mind is calm, when there is no rush, you can hear your inner voice. You have time to listen to yourself, to discover your dreams, to believe in yourself and focus on your beauty.

6. Feel grateful.

When you are alone, it is easier to feel grateful. When you stop your daily rush and step out of the daily duties and never-ending needs, you can take some time and look at your life and see how many things you have.  Appreciate your life and smile. Say thank you. Being grateful has a subtle energy and the more often you feel it, the more calmer you will be, and greater things will happen in your life.

7. Connect with nature.

Spending time in nature, receiving and enjoying the harmony, tranquility and oneness of it, you fill yourself with pure energies. It helps you to balance your feelings and it cleanses your thoughts. Nature heals you.

8. Renew your energy.

It is a time to renew your inner energy, to recharge yourself.

9. Love yourself.

Giving yourself some alone time is the best way of loving yourself.  Love within creates more love outside you and gives you what you want in the best way possible.

10. Have faith.

When you have spent time with yourself, filled yourself with energy, smiled, felt grateful, and nourished your soul with nature, your faith in yourself, in life, and in the universe will grow. You will have faith that you can achieve anything, faith in your own success. Anything and everything is possible. To find time for alone, to think what to do and spend some time with yourself is a brave step. It is always a challenge to be who you are. But there is always a question at the end of the day—did you really enjoy your day? Is there anything you want to do but can’t find time for? What you will do next weekend? May each day be the day you were reborn in silence and faith!