1. Multiple copies of resume, credentials and photos.

You’ll need more than three, and up to five copies of your resume when going for an interview. Why? You might meet someone other than your future employer to hand over your resume and grab an opportunity. Also, carry your photos and credentials along with you to avoid any delay in the hiring process. You should not leave any chance of postponing any part of interview because of absence of your credentials.

2. Dress well.

Dressing well is a must but most people get it wrong. Wear a blazer if need be but don’t if not required. Same goes with wearing a tie. For some job interviews, wearing these things is called over dressing. But for some, it’s a must. So dress accordingly. Also, a simple crisp ironed shirt with formal wear and shoes is a nice combination for majority of posts in corporate world.

3. Punctuality.

Your employer can delay an interview but you should never arrive too early or too late for an interview. I have seen people arriving two hours late for an interview only to see their interview being cancelled. Always arrive on time even if you have to get up extra early in the morning.

4. Research the company and position.

Thoroughly research the company position and the company before you apply for an interview. Apply only if you are the best candidate for the job. Otherwise you’ll be wasting the company and your time too.

5. How can you benefit them?

Always go for an interview with clear picture of how you can help the company. They are providing you the salary raise for one and only one reason – “What can you provide them which no one else can?” And if you can answer this question clearly, you have a clear edge over others.

6. Recall your past achievements.

Recall when you performed extraordinarily at your previous job and tell them when asked. If you are applying for your first job, recall if you performed any leadership role or managed an activity very well. Apart from technical skills, employers are looking for such managerial skills too.

7. Any references?

You must have noticed a column for references in every employers application form. See if you know anyone in the company you are interviewing for. Sometimes, one influential contact can also land you a job. Moreover, companies prefer to hire someone who is known by their current employees.

8. Presence of mind.

You need to have a strong presence of mind while answering the questions. Many times, unexpected questions arise and you can be puzzled too. At that time, having a strong presence of mind will help you steal the answers from your previous experiences.

9. Knowledge of what you have written in your resume.

Most of the questions asked are from what you have written in the resume. From the answers you give, more questions arise. Hence be careful for what you write in your resume and write only what you know are your biggest skills and strengths.

10. Negotiation skills.

Once you are selected, there comes a most crucial part of job, salary discussion. Companies want to hire the best candidate for a lesser package, and it’s your job to make them understand the benefit of hiring you at a salary you want and not what they want. So learn the basic rules of negotiation, clearly show them the beneficial picture without being too firm and it’ll surely make a great impression on them. Featured photo credit: interview via pixabay.com